About Us

Who We Are

Digital Transformation Consultants for the Financial Services Industry

With offices in Toronto and New York, StrategicFront has been passionately serving Financial Services clients in Canada and the United States since 2014.

We’re experts in Digital Transformation Consulting to ensure our client’s technology and digitization projects achieve Business Value and Measurable ROI.

Transform. Confidently.

Digital Transformation Consultants
Why Choose Us

Our Unique Differentiators Are
Your Advantage

We Focus on the Financial Services Industry

We pride ourselves in knowing the Financial Services industry.

This includes Banking, Payments, Regulatory and Compliance, Fintech, Capital Markets, Investment Managements, Wealth Management, Insurance.

We are Experts in Digital Transformation Consulting

We know that Digital Transformation is not just the implementation of technology and digitization capabilities.

 Digital Transformation is the art and science of seamlessly integrating Transformation Management, Business Design and Change Management to create enterprise business value and deliver measurable ROI.

We Deliver Business Value

We ensure your business values are realized through the digital transformation projects to have lasting impacts on your customers, operations, platforms, data, channels or whole business models.

In other words, our concentration is on delivering you with business outcomes, not technology implementation.

We Achieve Measurable Return on Investment (ROI)

Knowing how well you’ve achieved ROI makes for a confidently delivered digital transformation project. 

So, when we say “Transform.  Confidently.”, that confidence in your digital transformation is aligned to our proven delivery methodology centered around Metrics and Key Performance Indicators.

Icon Value

Our Value

We’re experts. We build trust and confidence. We put clients first. We believe in people to make digital transformation realize its full potential.

Icon Mission

Our Mission

We don’t create the technology and digitization products, but we aim to empower people to use them to realize what was unimaginable yesterday.

Icon Vision

Our Vision

Making the Financial Services industry run better through transformation enabled by technology and digitization.

We’re here to answer ONE Question:

Are your investments in technology and digitization projects reaping the desired business value and achieving measurable ROI?

Based on McKinsey Research (2022),


 (of digital transformation projects) fail to deliver any measurable ROI.

With StrategicFront, over


of clients experience success in their most ambitious Digital Transformation pursuits.

Our Story

Through The Years

Jan 2014 Establish Toronto Office
Nov 2015 Win Project at a Big 5 Canadian Bank
Jan 2017 Establish New York Office
Oct 2017 Partner with Deloitte and IBM
Sep 2018 Delivery cross-border projects across US and Canada
Jan 2019 ProjectWorld Conference Sponsor in Toronto and New York
Oct 2022 Appoint Board of Directors
Jun 2023 Relaunch StrategicFront 2.0 Brand

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